College & Career Counseling

The mission of the George Washington High School College and Career Counseling team is to ensure guidance and support for our students and families in navigating their time to and through graduation, so each student is prepared for a successful life beyond high school.

College and Career Counselors serve students and their families with:

Photo Name Title Department Email
Griffin headshot Alea Crawford (Griffin) Counselor: Grades 9 through 11: De-I; Grade 12: De-Ha Success Center, Counseling Team
Ozee headshot Sarah Ozee Counselor: Grades 9 through 11: J-M; Grade 12: He-Mc Success Center, Counseling Team
Gina Subudhi Counselor: Grades 9 through 11: N-Sa; Grade 12: Me-Sa Success Center, Counseling Team
Khari Wallace Counselor: A-Da Success Center, Counseling Team
Michelle Wellman Counselor: Sc-Z Success Center, Counseling Team