What is George Washington Patriots Care?
GWPC is the “umbrella” non-profit organization at George Washington High School that provides non-profit status to, and manages the funds of, GW clubs and organizations who choose to participate. Through GWPC you can make donations to your favorite GW clubs and programs or to the Be Inspired Annual Fund.
How do I donate to my favorite club or organization?
It’s easy! Simply click HERE and select the club or program you would like to support.
Which GW clubs and organizations can I donate to through GWPC?
This is a list of the clubs and organizations currently participating in GWPC. More are being added all the time. If your club or organization would like to join GWPC, email GWPC.PatriotsCare@gmail.com.
For more information about George Washington Patriots Care, a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 47-5291272, please contact GWHS.PatriotsCare@gmail.com.
What is the Be Inspired Annual Fund? Created in January 2018, the Be Inspired Committee consists of faculty, parents, guardians and community members. The Be Inspired Annual Fund supports the entire GWHS student body. The Fund’s mission is to “inspire parents and community members to support George Washington students and faculty with annual funds to enrich the student experience.”
How will funds be allocated? All money raised by the Be Inspired Annual Fund will be used to:
How much money does Be Inspired raise? The Be Inspired Annual Fund aims to raise $100,000 for the 2023-2024 school year. Historically, the Fund has supported, among other things:
How do I submit a grant request? GWHS teachers and staff are encouraged to apply for Be Inspired Annual Fund funding by clicking below.
How does Be Inspired review and approve grant requests? The Be Inspired Grant Committee meets on an as-needed basis to review and approve requests using this RUBRIC. The Committee consists of three to seven members, with at least one parent and one faculty or administration member.
How do I give? Simply click HERE. You can also donate via check made payable to PCI/Be Inspired Fund and mailed to:
PCI/Be Inspired Fund
George Washington High School
655 S. Monaco Pkwy.
Denver, CO 80224
Questions about Be Inspired? Email gwhs.beinspired@gmail.com.
Thank you to our beloved founder Bob Thomson. After his retirement from an esteemed executive career in the media industry, Bob volunteered in 2014 as a mentor in the Patriot Pairs Mentoring Program and then proceeded to become a “super-volunteer” at GW. One of his many contributions to the school was founding Patriots Care Inc and helping many GW clubs and organizations to be able to be part of a nonprofit and easily fundraise for tax deductible contributions. Bob passed away on October 16, 2020 and is terribly missed. We love you Bob!