Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Posted August 7, 2024

August 7, 2024

Dear George Washington High School Students and Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at George Washington High School! We hope this letter finds you excited and ready to embark on another year of learning and growth. We have some important information to share about the start of the school year.

First Day of School

Monday, August 19:  Class of 2028 students’ first day of school (only entering freshmen attend).

Tuesday, August 20:  All students’ first day of school (all students attend).

The first week of school will follow our regular Bell Schedule. Please see our Bell Schedule HERE.

Freshman Parent Meeting

Parents and guardians of our Class of 2028 Patriots, please join us for a Parent/Guardian Meeting Monday, August 19 from 8:45 to 9:30am in the GWHS Auditorium. This meeting will introduce you to our administration and counseling team, review our school policies, and provide an opportunity to ask questions and meet other Patriot families!

2024-2025 Important Policy Updates

As we wrote in late May, and as posted on our website, we have introduced new building access policies:

  • Student Entrance will be allowed only through the Main Lobby (off of Monaco Parkway) or the South Courtyard doors 3(East) or 8(West). This allows us to fully monitor entrances to improve safety.
  • Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up will be in front of the school (off of Monaco Parkway) or in the Lower South Lot (off of Leetsdale Avenue). The Lower South Lot (off of Leetsdale Avenue) is the recommended lot for drop-off/pick-up to alleviate traffic along Monaco Parkway. If the North Lot is used for drop-off, students will need to enter through door 1 (off of Monaco Parkway), and will not be admitted through the North Lobby. The gate into the North Lot to/from Monaco Parkway will be closed, and Virginia Avenue will be the only access point for the North Lot.
  • Student Arrival will be no earlier than 7:30am. Students will only be allowed through the Main Lobby entrance (off of Monaco Parkway) or the South Courtyard doors 3(East) or 8(West). Students who arrive between 7:30am and the start of classes must go to the Cafeteria or Pike’s Peak Lobby only; students who are found in other locations in the building will be escorted to one of these two locations. 
  • Visitors will park in the North Lot, and will be buzzed in through the North Lobby entrance. Visitors may also walk around to the Main Lobby entrance (off of Monaco Parkway). All visitors will be checked in using the Raptor System (which requires a driver’s license to be scanned) to improve safety.
  • IDs must be worn by all students at all times, and must be presented at all doors upon entry. Students will be provided an ID and lanyard. All lost IDs will be reprinted for $5 per reprint.
  • Student Parking will be $10 per pass, and $5 for any additional car attached to the pass. Student parking will be in the Lower South Lot (off of Leetsdale Avenue) on a first-come, first-served basis. Students may not park in the North Lot (off of Virginia Avenue); the North Lot parking will be reserved for staff and visitors during school hours (8:00am to 4:00pm). Parking passes must be purchased with cash between Tuesday, August 20 and Friday, August 30 in the Main Office, during lunch or after school.

Passing Periods

Passing periods between classes are 6 minutes for the 2024-2025 school year. This allows students time to use the bathroom and get to classes without being tardy. A strict tardy policy will be enforced if students are in the halls during instructional time without a pass. 

Cell Phone Policy

At GWHS, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible educational experiences. We firmly believe that our Patriot Principles – Be Present, Be Prepared, Be Engaged, and Be Positive – are essential for creating a positive environment for meaningful learning. To reinforce these principles and promote a respectful atmosphere, student cell phone use is prohibited in classrooms, restrooms, and school offices during instructional time unless expressly permitted by a school staff member. During class, all cell phones should remain out of sight and silenced to ensure students can fully engage in their lessons and interact with their peers.

Students are welcome to use their cell phones on school grounds before and after school, during lunch, and during passing periods. However, we encourage responsible use and respect for others in these settings.

In case of emergencies, students needing to make an urgent phone call during instructional time must request their teacher’s permission to step out briefly. Likewise, parents/guardians who need to reach their student during the school day should call the Main Office at 720-423-8600.

The use of headphones and other listening devices in the classroom during instructional time will not be permitted unless specifically allowed by a school staff member.

Please note that the school and its staff cannot be held responsible for any damage to or theft of a student’s cell phone, listening devices, smartwatch, or other technological devices. It is the responsibility of each student to properly secure and take care of their personal belongings.

Any student found to be misusing their cell phone or technological devices in ways that disrupt the educational environment, such as cheating, bullying, harassment, unlawful recording, or violating school rules or DPS Board of Education policies, may be subject to disciplinary action as defined by DPS BOE policies, set forth in JK-R.

To maintain a fair and consistent approach to enforcing the cell phone policy, consequences for non-compliance will be as follows:

  1. Verbal reminder of GWHS’s cell phone policy.
  2. Redirection and contact parent/guardian.
  3. Teacher-assigned intervention (detention during Student Enrichment, Restorative Justice process, etc.).
  4. Teacher writes a behavior referral in Infinite Campus; the Dean team intervenes.

We believe that with your support, we can create a positive and productive learning environment for all students at GWHS. We are confident that by adhering to this cell phone policy, students will be better equipped to focus on their studies, engage in meaningful interactions, and grow academically and personally.

Request for Collaborative School Committee Parent Members

Our GWHS Collaborative School Committee (“CSC”) is an elected advisory board consisting of parents, students, teachers, community members and our principal. The primary work of the CSC is to implement and develop our Unified Improvement Plan. This consists of helping to guide the school’s budget, staffing allocations and school design. 

We are seeking three new parent members for the CSC. Meetings are once each month, typically at 4:00pm in the GWHS Library. CSC members serve two-year terms.

If you are interested in serving on our CSC, please email Dr. Dackri Davis

Your cooperation is vital in ensuring a successful and enriching school year for everyone. If you have any questions about our policies or other school-related matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to our staff.

Thank you for being an important part of our community. We look forward to a fantastic year!


Dr. Dackri Davis 

Principal, George Washington High School